Thursday 3 May 2012

Wood working,is it good medicine?

Woodworking is and has been for a very long time a strong field in industry as well as in our sheds and garages as a hobby.My friend says woodworking to him is like medicine for the soul,i think i know what he means by that.

Meditation has been used for thousands of years to help us relax,re-focus,heal and cleanse our bodies of negativity and toxins.I think in many ways woodworking can do the same and even more.When you enter your workshop,garage or shed to start a project without even realizing it your mind has already started to focus on the job at hand,your senses get clearer,thoughts are sharp and precise,your entire being begins to work in harmony to achieve the goal set in front of you.

While working on projects we loose track of time,stress melts away and the project is all that matters.This happens because you are totally relaxed,your mind is clear and uncluttered,your focus is on point to ensure that curve is clean,perfectly smooth and those joints fit like a glove.

Another great benefit of woodworking,and one i think is extremely important is it's ability to strengthen relationships,whether between spouses,parents and children or siblings.The hours enjoyed together on a woodworking project are priceless.Kids learn how to be patient,take instructions and be understanding,focus their thoughts on the job at hand,cleanliness,responsibility,safety,organization and the feeling of pride in completing a rewarding project.All great attributes to take on life's journey.

I see exactly why my friend David says "woodworking is good medicine",and i absolutely agree that it's not only good medicine, it's the BEST medicine and should be taken is large doses as often as possible.So start a woodworking project today,share it with family and friends to ensure they are getting their medicine too.Doctors orders.

Wednesday 2 May 2012

Why buy a dog house-Make your pooch proud-Build him one.

Doowaggle: Dog Houses For Sale - Where To Find Them

Dog houses are easily found for sale but you can only buy what is available to you.Why not get yourself some woodworking plans and build one yourself.That way you can customize it and be happy knowing you have provided man's and your best friend with his comfy,cozy home.

Boho in the 'Burbs: Handmade Banks (or, Why Everyone Needs a Woodworking Grandpa)

Boho in the 'Burbs: Handmade Banks (or, Why Everyone Needs a Woodworking Grandpa) I must commend your Grandpa,those are really nice pieces,very unique and artistic.Were those made from grandpa's imagination or did he use a set of woodworking plans to create them?

Monday 30 April 2012

Ted's Woodworking

Today we will be reviewing Ted's Woodworking,advertised as a #1 Best Selling Woodworking Resource that makes woodworking simple and easy with step by step,clear diagrams  that eliminate some of the stress and frustrations that can be experienced with your woodworking projects.

 Here is an honest review of Teds Woodworking.
If you want to start a woodworking project, you need all the necessary information, including schematics, blueprints, materials lists, dimensions etc. That is where Teds Woodworking excels. The plans are clearly drawn with step-by-step explainations of how the plan should be done and put together.

There are several other sites whose collection of plans have the dimensions totally wrong without any indication of parts lists, material lists or the tools needed. If you're one of those people who have bought plans like this in the past, Teds Woodworking will change your perception of what you thought woodworking plans should be.

In Ted's Woodworking you will get everything you need: 
-Diagrams which are detailed with a full set of dimensions 
-Step-by-step instructions on how to start your project 
-The necessary materials for that particular project 
-All the woodworking tools you will need to complete that project

If you are a beginner or have done some woodworking you will find these plans easy-to-follow as the instructions are very clearly written. The woodworking plans are straightforward so they are not complicated at all. Even if you are a total newcomer to woodworking you will simply be able to master all the techniques that are needed and improve your woodworking skills very quickly by following the concise and clear instructions. 

Another thing which is so great about these woodworking plans is that some videos have been included which guide you in how to build benches,home furniture,dog houses,bird feeders,sheds and much much more. 
There is also a lifetime member access included in the package and you get these extras for no cost to you as they are free with no additional charges at all! This alone is worth the entire price for Teds Woodworking.

Ted Mcgrath is a very dedicated and experienced woodworker who knows what he is talking about when it comes to woodworking and DIY projects he has been a woodworker for many many years.
There is only one drawback that we could find and that being with 16,000 woodworking plans you are bound to get some which look a little disorganized but that is understandable as it is very difficult to place all these plans into their proper categories. Secondly, it might take you a little longer to do the downloads on because of the size of them. But the members area include an option to upgrade to the DVD so you can save time on downloading. 

Truth is,Ted's Woodworking is compiled based on experience and knowledge from years and years of professional woodworking and projects.Every mistake,pitfall,or
problem that could arise during a project you now need not worry about,and I haven't found anything like this for less than 10's of thousands of dollars.Here's the bottom line: If you are planning to start on your woodworking project, this isn't something you SHOULD use, it's something that you would be insane not to.

For more information on Ted's Woodworking follow this link

Saturday 21 April 2012

Woodworking.Be proud of your projects.

Woodworking should be fun,but for many of us it is not.We start projects filled with excitment and anticipation only to have that clouded with questions and frustration.We search and search the internet and forums hoping to find something to help us get past the hump and finally producing woodwork to be proud of,but in the end nothing seems to do the job.

I had experienced and done all the above and was about to give up when during my decided final search for help stumbled upon a website that gave me what i needed to take on any woodworking project with confidence knowing i could not complete the job,but complete it with results comparable to the work of a pro.An added bonus was that my woodworking projects became easy and fun and yes,i was now being asked to make products for friends and neighbors which added extra cash to my pockets.I am in a happy place right now with projects in que,and producing really wonderful pieces that i am so very proud of.

So ready-set-Go,and have fun with it weather you are a pro or beginner.Woodworking is very rewarding and the feeling one gets when a beautiful piece is completed can only be explained as Wonderful,Amazing,Awesome,whatever words you choose it just feels GREAT.